Monday, March 13, 2006

Trains, Planes, and Automobiles

Copied from Shannon's family blog:
"Garrett has been begging for a train set. Enola and Liam have cool train sets and Garrett realizes he needs one also. He asks everyday all day long. His hand me down train set from the neighbor boy is well used. He has been playing with that for over a year most everyday.Today we went to the Red Ballon. They have two train tables. One with a Brio train set. The other has a Thomas Train set on it. After playing for half an hour it was time to go. The tantrums thrown were incredible. Garrett's legs were broken (they always break when he wants them to) and he howled in the isle. Preston was a screaming "NO"-saying lunatic. It is hard to manhandle two boys throwing tantrums to the car. Especially when one has broken legs. I felt true pain over Garrett's sadness. He wants a train set so badly. I would love to buy him the cool Thomas or Brio sets. We have been looking on Ebay to find him one for his birthday. He is going to have a train cake for his birthday. He told me in the car today that he wants a train set that isn't a cake.

I was just called as a nursey leader. I am very excited about it. Preston will be in nursery in one week, with Garrett."