Monday, January 23, 2006

First time snowboarding

The boys and I went snowboarding in Vermont for the first time ever this past weekend as part of a New England Boy Scout Ski Weekend. One of my ecstatic boys said, "Dad, this was wicked awesome! Can we do this EVERY year?"

We were all VERY sore the next day, walking around like serious old-timers. Every muscle ached--especially the tailbone variety. I had one spectacular spill where I landed on my tailbone and I felt the bones click-clacking together all the way up my spine until I heard this wrenching "CRIAACK!" in my neck. I'm still stiff--2 days later!

Here are some photos:


Kimmby said...

Looks like fun!!! Has Kelsey been skiing/snowboarding yet? I sure would like to go (it's a shame that I haven't, because I'm in prime boarding country here in Idaho) but I'm chicken and poor. Not a good combination... Oh well! I'm glad you and your boys got to have a good time!

Rita B said...

Wow, Curt...thanks for a GREAT post! I'm so glad you're having fun with your boys. You're such a good Dad!